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Watchmen of Israel is a community that follows Yahweh, keeps His Torah, and has faith in Yeshua, identifying as Natsarim—rooted in scripture and distinct from Christianity and Judaism. We uphold the same beliefs and practices as Yeshua and His followers, as attested by scripture, emphasizing love for Yahweh, Torah observance, and faith in Yeshua as the Messiah.

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Chesed to you and shalom from Yahweh our God and Yeshua the Messiah. Welcome to Watchmen Of Israel! If you are reading this page, it means that this could be your first time here and you probably have a lot of questions. Below, you'll find an overview of our beliefs. If you'd like more in-depth information about Natsarim Beliefs, check out Our Beliefs Page

Our Core Beliefs

Yahweh is the One True God

He is Sovereign over all things and has authority over all.

Yeshua is the Son of Yahweh

He is not co-equal with Yahweh but is our High Priest, fulfilling the role of mediator for the covenant between Yahweh and Israel.

The Torah is Eternal

Yahweh’s commandments, as given to Israel, remain in effect, and we strive to live by them as an expression of our faith.

Scripture Beyond the Bible

We believe that books like the Book of Enoch, Jubilees, and 1st and 2nd Esdras are also inspired scriptures that complement the Bible.

Resurrection and the Kingdom

We believe Israel will take part in the First Resurrection and rule with Yeshua during His Messianic reign.


We believe that salvation from second death, the Lake of Fire, is by faith in Yeshua. No one must do something to earn the opportunity for salvation..


We believe that faith is biblically defined as both knowledge and action. While we are saved by faith, faith without Torah obedience is dead faith.


We believe in the seventh day Sabbath that was instituted at creation and commanded by Yahweh. It is a mark that we are in covenant with Yahweh and is a day of rest and assembly.

Who are the Natsarim?

We are Natsarim, not Christians, not part of the Hebrew Roots Movement, nor do we practice Judaism. While this might be a new term to some, it's deeply rooted in scripture. The word "Nazarene" is the Greek form of the Hebrew word Natsarim. Both words refer to those who love Yahweh, keep His Torah, and have faith in Yeshua.

In the Bible, Yeshua is often called "Yeshua of Nazareth" or "Yeshua the Nazarene." This title signifies His identity as part of the Natsarim—a group defined by their adherence to Yahweh’s laws and faith in the Messiah. In Acts 24:5, Paul is accused of being "the ringleader of the Natsarim," and in Acts 24:14, he confirms this, explaining that his beliefs align with the Torah and faith in Yeshua.

The early church fathers also recognized the Natsarim. In Panarion 29, 4th-century church father Epiphanius wrote about the Natsarim, noting that they kept both the Old and New Testament, observed the Torah, and believed in Yeshua. He described them as a heresy, distinct from both Jews and Christians.

How can the Natsarim be a heretical group if Yeshua was a Natsarim? The identity of the Natsarim is deeply connected to the Hebrew scriptures. In Isaiah 11:1, we read, "A branch (נֵצֶר) from the roots of Jesse will bear fruit." This "branch" is Yeshua, and those who grow from Him are the Natsarim. Yeshua confirms this imagery in John 15:1-5, where He describes Himself as the vine and His followers as branches that must remain in Him to bear fruit.

Further, Isaiah 49:6 refers to "the preserved of Israel," which in Hebrew is Natsarim of Israel. The Psalms also emphasize the importance of observing Yahweh’s commandments. In Psalm 105:45, it says, "that they might keep His statutes and observe (natsar) His laws," linking the Natsarim to Torah observance.

Through these scriptures, we see that the Natsarim are those who keep Yahweh's Torah, have faith in Yeshua, and are part of Israel (even if adopted or grafted into Israel).

Why Watchmen of Israel?

With this understanding, let's turn back to "Watchmen of Israel". Why do we need "Watchmen of Israel?" At Watchmen of Israel, our mission is to serve as a resource for those seeking a clear and accurate understanding of Scripture void of man-made traditions and pagan practices. We believe that Yahweh has taught the same message and given the same instructions since the Garden of Eden and by removing church dogma from our understanding of scripture we see a beautiful cohesive uniform message from scripture.

We recognize the diverse backgrounds and questions people bring, which is why we’ve created a central place where the beliefs of the Natsarim are clearly defined, based on scripture. Our goal is to support those who are seeking answers, offering a foundation rooted in scripture and providing resources for individuals and assemblies alike to grow in understanding and faith.

In addition to this mission, we want to live out scripture and enable you to do the same. Watchmen of Israel has the goal of fulfilling the physical needs of the community Like we see commanded in the Torah and lived out in Acts 6. James identifies this as showing our faith by our works, we will give to what we can to the fatherless, the widows, and the needy in our community.